Ster-Kinekor Vision Mission team set to cycle for good eyesight
The Ster-Kinekor Vision Mission team is passionate about restoring damaged eyesight and that passion will be the fuel that pushes them to cycle in the upcoming Discovery 947 Ride Joburg race. We chatted to the Head of CSI, Transformation and Wellness, Geraldine Engelman, about the team’s plans and preparations.
What makes Vision Mission special to you?
The ability to watch a movie with clear eyesight is a focal area and a strategic objective of our business. Research has shown that every 1 in 10 people have eye deficiencies and if left uncorrected, they can lead to blindness. Vision Mission not only responded to the call to but is actively involved in changing the lives of individuals suffering from the diseases which prohibit guests from enjoying our movies.
What is the greatest success Vision Mission has experienced?
In 2015, Vision Mission made the bold move to assist young people suffering from keratoconus, which not only needs spectacles but requires actual surgery for a new soft tissue, namely the cornea. Philani Twala, being blinded by a freak accident and unable to see for over 10 years, was provided with a double cornea transplant. Philani has now become somewhat of an ambassador and the motivator of our #OpenEyes campaign. This campaign kicked started our cornea transplants and thus far, we have provided 28 transplants to young people between the ages 12 and 34.
What is the significance of entering a Vision Mission team into the 94.7 Cycle Challenge?
The challenge is awareness and thus the 947 Joburg Ride is an opportunity to showcase what we have done as a company but also providing the confidence that our CSI initiative makes sense and that we have a clear plan for the future of Vision Mission.
What motivated you to select Khaya as the Ride Captain for the team?
Khaya Hlophe-Kunene is a South African-born and bred CA(SA), award-winning entrepreneur and digital fund and procurement management maven with a diverse skill set that spans across strategy, business and sales development, operations, transformation and fundraising. He is a born leader and a founding member of companies who are innovative leaders in the industry of development through coaching and mentoring. Khaya offered his services as an ambassador of Vision Mission and since he has a vision disability, he was able to relate to our cause and objectives.
How does one partake in supporting Vision Mission?
We have provided a platform for supporters who wish to donate to our cause. Please visit our self-service terminals or book online at and follow the links.
We wish the Vision Mission team the best of luck in their noble cycling endeavour.